Tuesday, September 17, 2013

4.7: An Extended Example: Web Spiders - Part 2

The job of the linkitr.go package is to operate on a stream of html nodes from the NodeItr iterator and transform it into a stream of strings.

The first iterator is the LinkItr.

func links(itr i.Iterator) bool {
    n, _ := itr.Value().(*html.Node)
    if n.Type != html.ElementNode {
        return false
    if n.Data != "a" && n.Data != "img" && n.Data != "link" && n.Data != "style" && n.Data != "script" {
        return false
    if n.Data == "style" || n.Data == "script" {
        src := attr("src", n.Attr)
        return src != ""
    return true
func LinkItr(itr i.Forward) i.Forward {
    return hoi.Filter(links, itr)

The LinkItr is an i.Filter iterator that runs through the node stream and removes any nodes that are not a, img, link or style nodes.

func geturl(itr i.Iterator) interface{} {
    n, _ := itr.Value().(*html.Node)
    var url string
    if n.Data == "a" {
        url = attr("href", n.Attr)
    } else if n.Data == "img" {
        url = attr("src", n.Attr)
    } else if n.Data == "link" {
        url = attr("href", n.Attr)
    } else if n.Data == "style" {
        url = attr("srr", n.Attr)
    } else if n.Data == "script" {
        url = attr("src", n.Attr)
    return url

func UrlItr(itr i.Forward) i.Forward {
    return hoi.Map(geturl, itr)

The UrlItr uses hoi.Map to transform the node stream into a string stream, from now on we are operating on a stream of urls.

func attr(name string, attrs []html.Attribute) string {
    for _, a := range attrs {
        if a.Key == name {
            return a.Val
    return ""

The attr() method is a helper that gets the value of attribute name from the node. One improvement that could be made to this code would be to implement both the links method and the geturl method with a DispatchTable as discussed in chapter 2 of HOP. After this we hand the stream over to the iterators in the urlitr.go package. It contains five iterators, NormalizeItr, HostMapper, Referer, BindByRef and BindByHost.

func removeUrl(itr i.Iterator) bool {
    url, _ := itr.Value().(string)
    url = strings.TrimSpace(url)
    if url == "" {
        return false
    if strings.HasPrefix(url, "tel:") || strings.HasPrefix(url, "mailto:") {
        return false
    return true

func remHash(u string) string {
    idx := strings.Index(u, "#")
    if idx == -1 {
        return u
    if idx == 0 {
        return ""
    return u[0 : idx-1]

func normalizeUrl(itr i.Iterator) interface{} {
    url, _ := itr.Value().(string)
    url = strings.TrimSuffix(remHash(url), "/")
    return strings.ToLower(url)
func NormalizeItr(itr i.Forward) i.Forward {
    return hoi.Filter(removeUrl, hoi.Map(normalizeUrl, itr))

The job of NormalizeItr is to trasform the url into a canalogical version of the url. The hash portion gets cut of, trailing slash chomped, the rest lower cased, emtpy strings excluded along with mailto and tel links. The iterator uses both hoi.Map and hoi.Filter to accomplish this.

func hostFromBase(base string) string {
    slashslashidx := strings.Index(base, "//")
    idx := strings.Index(base[slashslashidx+2:], "/")
    if idx > 0 {
        return base[0 : slashslashidx+2+idx]
    return base

func hostMapper(base string) i.MapFunc {
    host := hostFromBase(base)
    if !strings.HasSuffix(base, "/") {
        base = base + "/"
    return func(itr i.Iterator) interface{} {
        url, _ := itr.Value().(string)
        if strings.Contains(url, "://") {
            return url
        if strings.HasPrefix(url, "/") {
            return host + url
        return base + url

func HostMapper(base string, itr i.Forward) i.Forward {
    return hoi.Map(hostMapper(base), itr)

The HostMapper runs over the url stream, turning any relative urls into absolute urls.

func referer(ref string) hoi.MapFunc {
    return func(itr i.Iterator) interface{} {
        url, _ := itr.Value().(string)
        return []string{url, ref}

func Referer(ref string, itr i.Forward) i.Forward {
    return hoi.Map(referer(ref), itr)

The Referer transforms the url stream into a stream of twinlets, the url and the page it was found on.

func removeIfNotReferedBy(ref string) hoi.FilterFunc {
    host := hostFromBase(ref)
    return func(itr i.Iterator) bool {
        ref, _ := itr.Value().([]string)
        return strings.HasPrefix(ref[1], host)

func BindByRef(ref string, itr i.Forward) i.Forward {
    return hoi.Filter(removeIfNotReferedBy(ref), itr)

The BindByRef removes any urls from the stream that are not refered by the reference url. This is to stop the crawler to run away into the distance, we are only checking the urls that are refered by the host of the starting url. Those urls might take us to another website but we wont go any further.

func removeIfNotOnHost(url string) hoi.FilterFunc {
    host := hostFromBase(url)
    return func(itr i.Iterator) bool {
        u, _ := itr.Value().([]string)
        return strings.HasPrefix(u[0], host)

func BindByHost(host string, itr i.Forward) i.Forward {
    return hoi.Filter(removeIfNotOnHost(host), itr)

The BindByHost is an iterator that removes any urls from the stream that are not on the same host as the referencing url. If you use this iterator on the stream, you are only crawling urls that are one the same domain as the starting url. Both of these source files are on GitHub at hog/spider/linkitr and hog/spider/urlitr.

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