Wednesday, September 4, 2013

4.3: Examples

The first example is to use the Dirwalk iterator from the previous post and create some filters on top of it. To do that, we need to create a Filter iterator.

type FilterFunc func(Iterator) bool

type filter struct {
    f   FilterFunc
    itr Forward

func Filter(f FilterFunc, itr Forward) Forward {
    return &filter{f, itr}

func (i *filter) AtEnd() bool {
    for !i.itr.AtEnd() {
        if i.f(i.itr) {
            return false
    return true

func (i *filter) Next() error {
    return i.itr.Next()

func (i *filter) Value() interface{} {
    return i.itr.Value()

func (i *filter) Error() error {
    return i.itr.Error()

The Filter iterator is a struct that wraps around a Forward iterator. For most part it simply forwards any method calls to the enclosed iterator. The filtering function is provided by the AtEnd() method. If the wrapped iterator contains further elements, it simply loops until it finds an element that fulfills the requirements of the user supplied FilterFunc. At first, this seems to break the idempotency requirement. But if we call AtEnd() it will loop until it hits the end of stream or finds an element that is not filtered. If we then call AtEnd() again without calling Next(), it simply finds the same element again and returns at the same position.

I've put this Filter iterator into the i package.

Now the problem is simply to create a FilterFunc that performs the filtering we require.

func hasInName(val string) i.FilterFunc {
    val = strings.ToUpper(val)
    return func(itr i.Iterator) bool {
        filename, _ := itr.Value().(string)
        return strings.Contains(strings.ToUpper(filename), val)

func not(f i.FilterFunc) i.FilterFunc {
    return func(itr i.Iterator) bool {
        return !f(itr)

hasInName performs a case insensitive search, matching val to filenames that Dirwalk returns. not simply negates the result of any FilterFunc.

    i.Filter(not(hasInName("example")), Dirwalk(os.Args[1])),
    func(itr i.Iterator) bool {
        return true

This constructs loops through all filenames under os.Args[1] and returns any that don't contain the string example.

Get the source at GitHub.

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