Tuesday, September 10, 2013

4.3.3: Example - A Flat-File Database - part 3

We conclude this example by going over the Query package.

type (
    FieldQueryFunc func(string) bool

A FieldQueryFunc is similar to a i.FilterFunc with the exception that it is specialized to work on string values rather than i.Iterator values.

func (db *Ffdb) Query(f i.FilterFunc, d Direction) i.Forward {
    return i.Filter(f, RecordItr(db, d))

func (db *Ffdb) QueryField(fieldname string, f FieldQueryFunc, d Direction) i.Forward {
    fieldname = strings.ToUpper(fieldname)
    if _, ok := db.fieldnames[fieldname]; !ok {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("Unknown field: %q\n", fieldname))

    return db.Query(func(itr i.Iterator) bool {
        r, _ := itr.Value().(*Record)
        return f(r.Value(fieldname))
    }, d)

The Query package contains two fundamental methods that serve as building blocks for all other queries. The first, Query(), is an iterator that uses the i.Filter iterator to construct a i.Forward iterator that will filter a Record stream in the direction of Direction with the filter f.
The QueryField() constructs a i.FilterFunc and binds it to a field name and a FieldQueryFunc. We can now iterate over the stream of Records and ask specific questions about individual field values. Two examples are provided in the Query package.

func (db *Ffdb) QueryFieldRx(fieldname, rxs string, d Direction) i.Forward {
    rx := regexp.MustCompile(rxs)
    return db.QueryField(fieldname, func(val string) bool {
        return rx.MatchString(val)
    }, d)

func (db *Ffdb) QueryGreater(fieldname string, check float64, d Direction) i.Forward {
    return db.QueryField(fieldname, func(fieldvalue string) bool {
        value, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(fieldvalue, 64)
        return value > check
    }, d)

QueryFieldRx is a query that checks field named fieldname against a regular expression rsxQueryGreater is a query that returns records where the float64 value of field fieldname is greater than some value suppled to the query.

An entire pipeline of iterators, from query to text file using e.g. the QueryFieldRx, would look something like this:

The blue lines represent how data moves through the construction of the pipeline. FieldName, Rx and Direction are send to the QueryFieldRx which constructs a FieldQueryFunc and sends it along with the FieldName and Direction to the QueryField object. It constructs a i.FilterFunc and sends it with the Direction to the Query object. The Query constructs the Record iterator, which in turns constructs the Reader from the Direction.
Now that the pipeline is ready, we can read bytes from the file. The Reader turns those into a string for each line in the file and hands those over to the Record iterator. The Record iterator, being a i.Map iterator, maps the lines to a Record which the Query then filters and returns to the user.
Following is an example of how to use this package.

    db, _ := ffdb.NewFfdbHeader(os.Args[1], "[:]")
    defer db.Close()

    fmt.Println("From state: MA & NY")
    itrNY := db.QueryFieldRx("state", "NY", ffdb.Reverse)
    itrMA := db.QueryFieldRx("state", "MA", ffdb.Forward)
    for !itrNY.AtEnd() || !itrMA.AtEnd() {
        if !itrNY.AtEnd() {
        if !itrMA.AtEnd() {
    fmt.Println("\nOwes more than 100")
    for itr := db.QueryGreater("owes", 100, ffdb.Forward); !itr.AtEnd(); itr.Next() {

We open the database, build some query iterators and run through them printing out the result.
The two source files discussed here are available at GitHub: Query and ffdb

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