Tuesday, October 1, 2013

5.1: The Partition Problem Revisited

The recurisve partition algorithm form 1.8 solved for a single solution when trying to search a list of treasures for a share of certain value. The iterator version will return single solution on each iteration, successive iterations will return new solutions until all possible solutions have been found when we reach AtEnd().

type entry struct {
    target      int
    pool, share []int

type partition struct {
    todo  *list.List
    err   error
    share []int

The entry item contains the current target, the pool of items to consider, and the share that make up a possible solution. The todo is a list of entries to inspect.

func Partition(target int, treasures []int) i.Forward {
    p := partition{}
    p.todo = list.New()
    if target == 0 {
        p.todo.PushBack(&entry{target: target, pool: make([]int, 0)})
    } else {
        p.todo.PushBack(&entry{target: target, pool: treasures})
    return &p

To construct the iterator we create the first entry item for the todo list from the target and treasures parameters. If target is zero we put a empty list for the pool so the iterator will return right after the first iteration. Then we execute the first iteration.

func (p *partition) AtEnd() bool {
    return p.todo.Len() == 0

func (p *partition) Value() interface{} {
    if p.AtEnd() {
        p.err = fmt.Errorf("Next: Beyond end")
        return nil
    return p.share

An empty todo list indicates that we are at the end of the iteration. The share is the current value.

func (p *partition) Next() error {
    if p.AtEnd() {
        p.err = fmt.Errorf("Next: Beyond end")
        return p.err
    for !p.AtEnd() {
        e, _ := p.todo.Front().Value.(*entry)
        first, rest := e.pool[0], e.pool[1:len(e.pool)]
        if len(rest) > 0 {
            p.todo.PushBack(&entry{e.target, rest, e.share})
        if e.target == first {
            p.share = append(e.share, first)
            return nil
        } else if e.target > first && len(rest) > 0 {
            p.todo.PushBack(&entry{e.target - first, rest, append(e.share, first)})
    return nil

We start by popping the first entry off the todo list and splitting the pool into a first item and the rest. If the rest contains items there are more possible solutions to consider so we put it on the todo list for future inspection.
If the target is equal to the first element of the pool we've found a solution and return. Otherwise if the target is larger than the first element and the rest contains more elements there could be a solution or two still in the rest list, so we put it on the todo list to inspect.
If we reach this point we did not find a solution so we pop the next item of the todo list and start again, or return if it is empty.

itr := Partition(target, treasures)
for ; !itr.AtEnd(); itr.Next() {

Construct the iterator and loop through it to find all solutions.
Get the source at GitHub.

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